I posted this on my personal Facebook profile the other day, but I wanted to share it with you right here. I think we are living in perilous times within the body of Christ, due to increased willingness to absorb false teachings. What does Scripture say about this?
Thank you for reading!
As the world creeps into the church, we are repeatedly told to stand down and tolerate all teachings as if equal in Truth. This ‘creeping in’ started back in the days of the early church and there are multiple warnings about its arrival. In fact, between the writings of 2 Peter and Jude, the message had shifted from “there WILL BE false teachers among us” to “they ARE HERE.”
Scripture is clear that we are to stand FIRM, not stand DOWN (Eph. 6:13). We need to buckle our belts of Truth (Eph. 6:14) and contend for the faith (Jude 1:3). We need to be prepared and armed with God’s Word.
How do you identify a counterfeit teaching? Easy. Study God’s Word. False teachings identify themselves to those who know Truth. We must read, study and learn solid Biblical doctrine and Truth. We must ask the Holy Spirit to open the eyes of our hearts to understand (Eph. 1:18). We must find a local church committed to teaching God’s inerrant, authoritative, unwavering Word…in its entirety.
This isn’t a time to stand down. It’s a time to stand firm in the church. May God strengthen us all.