It seems that people are very willing to believe something if it is repeated often enough.
It seems that people are very willing to believe something if it is repeated often enough.
It seems that people are very willing to believe something if it is repeated often enough.
That is a real danger to any nation or culture. In fact, Karl Marx believed that the first battle to completely reconstruct a society is to DEconstruct the society through the re-writing of history. The Communist father said, “Take away the heritage of a people, and they are easily destroyed.”
People may wonder why I make such a big deal out of this nonsense called “president’s day.” It’s because I understand what is truly taking place. There has been an on-going assault on our nation’s history and the truth of our founding. In more recent years, Barack Hussein Obama even declared the he wanted to “fundamentally transform” the USA (October 2008). Obama’s mentor…a communist named Frank Marshall Davis.
The tech giant, Google, has a long history of celebrating everything other than Christianity and/or our nation’s rich history and founding. In fact, Google even changed their front page doodle in May of 2016 to honor a communist and Islamic Al-Qaeda supporter who praised the terrorist attack of 2001!
Today, on the federal holiday to honor the birth of George Washington (our nation’s greatest founder, in my opinion), what did Google doodle? A bug pushing a snowball. Pathetic.
As we pursue TRUTH together, let us commit to spitting out the Kool-aid of repeated lies. Lies don’t become truth by means of repetition. Lies NEVER become truth. Repetition does not convert wickedness into righteousness. Repetition of wickedness only repeats wickedness.
Do NOT forget the history of this great nation. Do NOT enable the deconstruction and reconstruction of our country by those who hate the values and purpose of our founding.
Happy Birthday, General George Washington! (February 22, 1732).